BWL Facilities
The BWL operates numerous facilities throughout the greater Lansing area to provide safe, reliable service to its customers. We pride ourselves on having a diversified energy portfolio to best meet the needs of our customers.

If you're interested in touring one of our facilities, please submit a request form. We also offer video tours of each generating facility, available here.

Clean Energy
BWL became the first utility in the State of Michigan to adopt a renewable energy portfolio in 2007 and is committed to providing 50 percent clean energy by 2030. Learn more about the solar arrays and wind farms across Michigan providing clean energy to BWL customers on our Clean Energy page.
Delta Energy Park
BWL's newest natural gas-fired power plant can generate 260 megawatts, and began operations in March 2022. Significantly cleaner, more reliable and more efficient, the new plant is located at the Erickson Power Station facility in Delta Township.

John F. Dye Water Conditioning Plant
The John F. Dye Water Conditioning Plant, which recently underwent a $10 million restoration, can condition and distribute 40 million gallons of water daily. The Dye Plant’s architecture reflects the Art Deco style prevalent when it was built in 1938 as a project of the Works Project Administration. In the plant’s lobby, large murals painted by artists Frank Cassara and Charles Pollock depict the beneficial and destructive forces of water. Take a virtual tour of the Dye plant by clicking here.
Wise Road Water Conditioning Plant
The Wise Road Water Conditioning Plant was built in 1966 and can condition and distribute 10 million gallons of water daily. A $30 million retrofit of the plant was recently completed.

Roy E. Peffley Chilled Water Plant
The Roy E. Peffley Chilled Water Plant was completed in 2009. The $20 million plant provides chilled water to cool State of Michigan and other buildings in downtown Lansing. The state-of-the-art facility is so highly automated that it is operated remotely by computer.
REO Town Headquarters and Cogeneration Plant
The REO Cogeneration Plant is BWL’s first natural gas-fired power plant. Operational in 2013, the REO Town plant generates up to 300,000 pounds of steam per hour and 100 megawatts of electricity. The plant, winner of many industry awards including being BWL's first plant to become certified to ISO 55001:2014 Asset Management System, is among the most clean and efficient in the United States. The $182 million project includes the BWL’s headquarters which supports more than 200 employees.

REO Town Depot
The 100+ year old REO Town Depot was restored and reopened in 2013, along with the BWL’s headquarters. This beautiful facility, previously known as the historic Grand Trunk Western Railroad depot, is on the U.S. and Michigan Register of Historic Sites. Everything from the interior woodwork and vaulted ceilings to the terra cotta roof tiles were refurbished or replaced. It now hosts meetings of BWL’s Board of Commissioners and training for BWL employees.
Haco Customer Service Center
The Haco Customer Service Center offers customers options to pay their bill via kiosk, drop box, or in-person in the lobby. Haco is also home base for nearly 200 BWL employees.

Belle River Plant
Through our membership in the Michigan Public Power Agency, the BWL receives up to 165 megawatts of electricity from the Belle River Plant, a coal-fired generator located near St. Clair, Michigan and built and operated by DTE. The Belle River Station was completed in 1984. DTE has announced plans to close the plant by 2030.
Other Entities
BWL also owns 124 wells, 16 substations, two pumping stations, two parks and one fly ash facility.